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#FossilFuelTreaty at the COP26 People's Summit

The Paris Agreement does not mention the world coal, oil or gas once which is why momentum is building globally for a complementary international mechanism to manage a global just transition.

Join this event at the COP26 People’s Summit to hear more about the bold new campaign for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Speakers: Alex Rafalowicz (Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative), Farzana Faruk Jhumu (FFF Bangladesh), Harjeet Singh (Treaty Initiative and CAN-I), Caroline Lucas (UK Green MP), Nikki Reisch (CIEL), Mark Campanale (Carbon Tracker).

November 8

People Not Polluters: Winning the grassroots movement to end the era of fossil fuels

November 9

Cities Leading the Essential Phase Out of Oil, Gas and Coal