Upcoming Events
WOMADelaide Planet Talks: Ending Fossil Fuels
The Planet Talks is a three-day ecological and conversational forum held at the Frome Park Pavilion, featuring some of the world’s foremost thinkers, activists, scientists and leaders in engaging and thought-provoking discussions about issues and solutions that affect our lives on the blue planet.
Monday March 10: Presented by The Guardian
1:00pm: Ending Fossil Fuels
Despite governments around the world making commitments to climate action and investments in renewable energy, investments in fossil fuels are still at a record high. How can we chart a future that breaks from fossil fuels, and with the urgency that is needed? This session will explore the ways in which the fossil fuel industry is distracting and delaying, and look at the global efforts to cut our ties with fossil fuels for good.
Supported by the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre
Dr Kumi Naidoo in-Conversation with the Hon Mike Rann
The Hawke Centre partners with WOMADelaide’s Planet Talks series to delve deeper into its thought-provoking themes.
Human rights and environmental justice activist, Dr Kumi Naidoo will be in conversation with the Hon Mike Rann AC CNZM discussing actions against fossil fuels and strategies for meaningful change.
This event complements, a compelling conversation with two of Australia's most significant storytellers, award-winning author Dr Debra Dank and filmmaker Rachel Perkins.
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre in partnership with WOMADelaide Planet Talks
Webinar: Making sense of COP29 and the path to financing a global just transition away from fossil fuels
Save the date – December 12
Join experts, journalists, and climate movement leaders from around the world in this global webinar discussing the COP29 outcome and the urgent need for greater international cooperation on climate finance and a fossil fuel phase out. Speakers to be announced soon!
We will gather in two 90-minute sessions to work across time zones globally. The first call at 8 a.m. UTC will have French interpretation, and the second call at 3 p.m. UTC will have Spanish interpretation.
Use the buttons below to register for your session. All welcome to this free webinar.
Full list of speakers to be announced soon, includes:
Press Conference: Assessing COP29 outcomes
As COP29 draws to a close, the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative hosts experts and campaigners as they share their analysis of the key issues and outcomes and look forward to COP30.
Strategy Breakfast for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
2024 has seen us generate more momentum towards a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty with excellent campaigning work happening across the world. With 14 countries now endorsing the call for a Treaty and the groundswell of organisations and movements joining the campaign, 2025 is set to be a year for deepening our work with partners to ensure more countries endorse and back a Treaty.
Join us for a breakfast strategy meeting with allies and partners and strategise how we can leverage further support for a Treaty in 2025. This is also an excellent opportunity for networking and meeting allies and we look forward to exchanging ideas and strategies for a successful 2025.
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Drinks Reception
Join us for a convivial moment with friends and allies to unwind during the hectic weeks of COP29. We will be offering drinks and light snacks in a relaxed atmosphere where you can network and exchange with supporters of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty from across the globe.
Press Conference: Launch of briefing papers on finance and just transition
Live from Baku we will hold a panel discussion featuring the authors of the two briefing papers on debt and finance that we are launching for COP29:
“Urgent action to address energy access, debt and climate finance in the Caribbean region”
“If it's not Global it's not Just: How a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty can accelerate finance for a global just transition.”
Second Ministerial Meeting of the nation-states forming the Fossil Fuel Treaty Initiative
This meeting will provide Ministers from endorsing countries with a progress update and receive guidance and decisions on: (a) the landscape of just transition financing proposals and mechanisms that could be included in a fossil fuel treaty (b) a work plan, including the support needs to grow the bloc of endorsing countries and better leverage the diplomatic capital of endorsing nations (c) ongoing work on the legal pathways for a fossil fuel treaty (d) efficient and effective coordination of our Initiative. The meeting is by invitation only and for government representatives.
The push for a financed transition out of fossil fuels: Why we are banking on a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Building on the country endorsements for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and in connection with the Bridgetown Initiative we will host a side event at COP29 exploring how public and private finance can be mobilised and reformed to support the transition away from fossil fuels, and to strengthen the development of Just Transition pathways in endorsing countries.
Hosted by Tom Boyle, Head of Global Partnerships, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Speakers include:
Endorsing Country Minister, Representative of a Treaty-endorsing country
Martin Rohner, CEO, Global Alliance for Banking on Values
Avinash Persaud, Special Advisor (TBC), Inter-American Development Bank
Dr. Amiera Sawas, Head of Policy & Research, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Representative of Science Community, International Cryosphere Climate Initiative
Expectations for COP29 and the road to COP30
The opening of the WWF Pavilion will feature a conversation on key outcomes for COP29 and how to pave the way for COP30, featuring Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, WWF Global Lead for Climate Change, Liliam Chagas, Brazil Deputy Head of Delegation, Rachel Kyte, UK Special Representative for Climate, and Tzeporah Berman, Chair of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative.
Second Senior Officials Meeting of the nation-states forming the Fossil Fuel Treaty Initiative
This preparatory meeting with Senior Official, ahead of the second Ministerial Meeting (14th Nov) will discuss and receive guidance from Senior Officials on: (a) the landscape of just transition financing proposals and mechanisms that could be included in a fossil fuel treaty (b) a work plan, including the support needs to grow the bloc of endorsing countries and better leverage their diplomatic capital (c) ongoing work on the legal pathways for a fossil fuel treaty (d) efficient and effective coordination of our Initiative
Phase out fossil fuels to make peace with nature
In 2022, Vanuatu became the first nation-state to call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty at the UN General Assembly, followed by Tuvalu at COP27. By 2024, 14 more nations have joined the call, supported by a wide range of actors, including the WHO, indigenous nations, cities like London and Paris, and various activists and leaders. Colombia, part of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA), is now leading the fight against fossil fuels, directly linking climate action with biodiversity protection. At COP16, Colombia’s theme of "Peace with Nature" opens a new front in eliminating fossil fuels to protect biodiversity.
Together with government representatives from Colombia and the Pacific region, indigenous leaders, academics, and civil society organizations, we will seek to reveal the relationships between the exploitation of fossil fuels as a threat to life, in the context that we proposes the COP of the urgency of making “Peace with Nature”. The dialogue will seek to highlight the effects of fossil extraction on biodiversity and life in general, which oppose the collective actions around social and environmental justice sought from different territories. Proposals such as the planned exit from fossil dependence of the Colombian government and its public support for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, that of African organizations around leaving fossils buried in the Niger Delta, the protection of nature through of regenerative food practices, and indigenous paths that build ancestral futures, show us the possible paths towards the preservation of life in peace with nature.
The event will be in English and Spanish with live interpretation available.
RSVP: No registration is required but you need to have “Blue Zone” accreditation.
Fossil Free Amazon Assembly
Tomando en cuenta las experiencias de resistencia de pueblos, nacionalidades y organizaciones indígenas frente al extractivismo de petróleo y gas, visibilizadas a través de varios espacios de diálogo realizados desde 2023 en el marco de la cumbre de presidentes por la Amazonía, se ha iniciado un proceso de construcción colectiva de una propuesta política que recoja demandas y propuestas que partan desde los pueblos indígenas con el objetivo de declarar a la Amazonía un territorio Libre de Combustibles Fósiles, desde por y para los territorios. La primera asamblea tuvo lugar en Bolivia en el FOSPA, y la segunda en Ecuador durante la Cumbre Internacional por el Yasuní. En Cali el 28 de octubre se llevará a cabo la tercera asamblea!
An Afternoon to strengthen south-south ties in the face of fossil and cultural extractivism
La comunidad de Llano Verde compartirá su historia de resistencia y re-existencia a través de murales, y para abrir un debate sobre cómo las áreas con mayor biodiversidad y riqueza cultural están amenazadas por el extractivismo. Proteger esta diversidad biocultural es clave para nuestra supervivencia. Es hora de unir estas regiones y construir una resistencia global más fuerte contra el extractivismo.
Rhythm and re-existence: down with fossil fuels, up with life!
¡Prepárate para una noche llena de energía y música afrocolombiana! Comenzamos a las 8pm con una conversa Vichera, a las 10pm con una clase y show de salsa. A medianoche, el escenario se enciende con Heryb Bonilla y La Calle Manigua quienes mezclan ritmos tropicales y afrocaribeños y ganadores del Petronio 2023, y cerramos bailando hasta las 3am con los mejores beats de DJ Prieto. Paralelamente habrá un mercado prieto de 9pm a media noche!
Press Conference and Report Launch
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative press conference and report launch, hosted by government leaders leading the initiative from Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Fiji.
Life under the Fossil Fuel Threat
La extracción de petróleo, gas y carbón amenaza la continuidad de la vida en el planeta poniendo en riesgo la naturaleza, el clima, nuestras culturas. Salir de los fósiles es poner la vida en el centro.
Strengthening our south-south ties: Biocultural diversity in the fight against fossil extractivism in the Global South
Las zonas más biodiversas del planeta son también las más diversas culturalmente, esta diversidad biocultural debe ser cuidada y salvaguardada pues nuestra existencia como humanidad está ligada a la salud de estos lugares megadiversos. Explicitar esta correlación es crucial para profundizar la conversación en estos espacios donde se habla de la biodiversidad de fauna y flora, y se deja de lado la diversidad cultural y el trabajo de las comunidades. Asimismo, es clave fortalecer los lazos entre las regiones más biodiversas y asimismo más saqueadas por la industria de los combustibles fósiles, que es responsable de la mayor cantidad de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, para así crear una red de resistencia y acción más sólida y organizada frente al extractivismo que vemos acrecentado más y más. De esta forma abordaremos cómo se han ido desarrollando las iniciativas de ‘zonas de no proliferación o libres de extractivismos y combustibles fósiles’ tanto en Latinoamérica como en África.
Fossil Fuel Phase Out Fest 2024
Join us as we close out New York Climate Week with an electrifying party hosted by the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. Embrace the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era with music, dancing, and unforgettable vibes. Let's celebrate the growing momentum for a Fossil Fuel Treaty and inspire hope for a sustainable future. Be part of the change and party with purpose!
Healthy Cities for a Fossil Free Future
On the morning of Thursday September 26 2024, we are hosting an event in partnership with the WHO that will convene leading health experts, Mayors, and local government representatives on the questions of sustainable cities, health, and fossil fuels to bridge these three critical topics.
Globally, cities account for around 75% of energy consumption and 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. Air pollution is responsible for 1 in 9 deaths worldwide. Health stakeholders and city leaders are acutely aware of this, however it is important that they join forces to discuss the root cause of the climate crisis, Fossil Fuels. Join this important conversation that will explore how to unlock urban health, resilience, and equity through local action and advocacy for a global just transition.
A world-building event with food, drinks, and a place to make new friends.
Join a briefing on how communicators can help amplify the call for a Fossil Fuel Treaty at this world-building event run by Symbiocene with food, drinks, and a space to make new climate friends.
Design can make another world possible. Join us at SYMBIOFUTURES, an opportunity to dive into adaptive intelligence, AI, and more than human thinking as design tools for a world in transition.
Doors Open 6 PM
Panel Starts 7–7:45 PM
Networking 7:45–9 PM
Speakers: Aditi Mayer, Isabelle Boemeke, Kalpana Arias, Isaias Hernandez, and more TBA with a special talk from Tori Tsui of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
What To Expect
💬 A place to make new friends + connect with leaders across movements.
🌎 Learn how to engage in climate solutions and new subjects
🍎 Bites & Drinks provided
Co-Founded by Isaias Hernandez (Queer Brown Vegan) + Kalpana Arias (Nowadays On Earth)
Safe Cities Presents: Climate Week Happy Hour
Safe Cities Presents: Climate Week Happy Hour
Come join us for a fun evening at The Half Pint as we celebrate how cities are halting the spread of fossil fuels over drinks and snacks. RSVP now to secure your spot. Space is limited.
You'll hear from Safe Cities, Neighbors United, and the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty teams about their campaigns to drive cities forward in the clean energy transition and preventing fossil fuel expansion. This brief panel presentation will leave you with key learnings you can apply to your work right away!
SAFE Cities will speak to the growing momentum behind, and challenges facing, the building electrification movement in the wake of the Berkeley decision at the beginning of this year. They will also touch on the importance of local action and how individual city level policies can lead to regional, and even state/province-wide shifts in addressing the threats fossil fuels pose to climate and health. SAFE Cities works with local activists, elected officials, and staff across North America to pass policies that phase out fossil fuels and fast track clean energy.
Neighbors United Executive Director, Montana Burgess, will share lessons learned from her team's suburban deep canvassing campaign for all-electric new buildings, as well as emerging lessons from deep canvassing partnerships in midwest states to build support from small town residents for clean energy projects. Montana's team pioneered deep canvassing in climate, energy, and biodiversity in small, rural and suburban communities with the guidance of New Conversation Initiative.
The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty North America campaigns lead, Rachel Ruback, will give a status update on this fast growing initiative to create a breakthrough on the just transition from fossil fuels through a justice-centered international coalition that bridges governments, civil society partners and thought-leaders. Rachel will outline why campaigns to secure endorsements at the subnational level are crucial to help kick start international negotiations, share case studies on how local action on the Treaty can lead to concrete policy changes, and provide strategies for how attendees can call on their own governments to endorse.
Venue is wheelchair accessible and located close to transit.
Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions
Please join us at this event hosted by our partners at the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)
On September 25th, join us at the UN Church Center for a powerful forum organized by the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN). Hear from influential women leaders like Federal Deputy Celia Xakriaba, Casey Camp-Horinek, Jacqui Patterson, and others on the frontlines of the climate crisis as they discuss ending the era of fossil fuels and implementing solutions for a Just Transition.
This is an in-person during Climate Week in New York City for an inspiring and strategic WECAN forum, “Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions.”
During this in-person forum, women leaders in all their diversity will come together to share comprehensive and intersectional approaches and strategies to stop fossil fuel extraction, accelerate community-led climate solutions, and lead a Just Transition grounded in a climate justice framework. Critical topics include fossil fuel resistance; food sovereignty; forest protection; gender-responsive climate policies; Indigenous and human rights; Rights of Nature; strategic preparations for COP29 and COP30; uplifting care economies; community-led solutions; and transformative policies for our collective future. Women are leading the way!
Confirmed speakers, with more to be announced soon:
Federal Deputy Célia Xakriabá (Xakriabá), Member of the Brazil Chamber of Deputies from Minas Gerais State, and Co-founder of The National Association of Indigenous Ancestral Women Warriors (ANMIGA)
Casey Camp Horinek (Ponca Nation), Ponca Nation Environmental Ambassador and WECAN Board Member and Project Coordinator
Jacqui Patterson, Founder and Executive Director of The Chisholm Legacy Project, 2024 TIME Women of the Year, Earth Award recipient
Secretary Puyr Tembé (Tembé), the first Secretary of Indigenous Peoples of the State of Pará in Brazil, and Co-founder of The National Association of Indigenous Ancestral Women Warriors (ANMIGA)
Roishetta Ozane, Founder of Vessel Project of Louisiana and Gulf Fossil Finance Coordinator for the Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund
Eriel Tchekwie Deranger (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation), Executive Director of Indigenous Climate Action
Tzeporah Berman, Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
With moderation and comments by Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder and Executive Director of Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)
Stop Fossil Fuels from Fuelling Conflict: Why a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is an essential climate tool for peace
Join us for an insightful webinar as we delve into groundbreaking research by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) on the intersection of fossil fuels, conflict, and peace. The webinar will present a compelling paper exploring how fossil fuel dependencies exacerbate conflicts and why the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is a crucial tool for promoting global peace and addressing climate change. The discussion will highlight how resource-rich nations’ extraction activities often lead to social tensions and conflicts in marginalized communities, amplifying the need for effective climate policies to advance peace and security.
Toward a Fossil Fuel Treaty: Building a Community for Change
Join us for a strategy workshop to network, collaborate, and refine our approaches to advancing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Fossil Fuel Treaty @ Climate Week: The Hub Live
Join Tzeporah Berman, Chair of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative at The Hub Live during Climate Week to hear more about the need for greater international cooperation to manage a just transition away from coal, oil and gas – the primary cause of the climate crisis.
In-person attendance is invite-only, but will be livestreamed for all (details coming soon)
Private Media Briefing on the need for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Fossil fuels are one of the greatest threats of our time. They undermine all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), from fueling conflicts globally to compromising health, security, and livelihoods. Governments must face them as the cross-cutting issue they are and address them in multiple multilateral forums. The upcoming UN General Assembly and the Summit of the Future in NYC will be crucial opportunities to test if the commitment made at COP28 to “transition away from fossil fuels” is genuine and here to stay.
How does the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty feed into these processes? We have the opportunity to chart a new course – but this requires a bold and courageous global response. We need a binding agreement to halt the expansion of oil, gas and coal, and commit to a just and equitable transition to clean, renewable energy for all. The proposed Treaty is the global plan to help the world transition away from fossil fuels fast and fairly, and ensure we meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Join us for a Media Briefing with government representatives, climate justice advocates and movement leaders to get to know more about the initiative!
Susana Muhamad, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia
Ralph Regenvanu, Vanuatu’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Environment
Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the World Health Organization
Kumi Naidoo, South African human rights and climate justice advocate
Rebecca Solnit, American author, historian, and activist
Tzeporah Berman, Chair and Founder of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (Moderator)
End of the Fossil Fuel Era Rights of Nature Tribunal
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will convene at Climate Week in New York to address the global challenges posed by the fossil fuel industry. This session aims to amplify the Rights of Nature as a crucial tool in defending life on Earth - featuring testimony from frontline community representatives and expert panels, the Tribunal will scrutinize the fossil fuel industry's impacts on biodiversity and BIPOC communities, and advocate for a just and clean transition by keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Join us in this pivotal moment as we pave the way toward COP30 in Brazil.
Interfaith Climate Procession Nairobi
Saturday, 21 September is the Global Day of the FFNPT Action. We shall come together from different Faith, groups and Institutions, to raise a prophetic voice , calling our leaders to endorse the treaty. On this day we shall all gather at Kenya Wildlife Service HQ Langata road at 8:00 am and march to The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Missio Hall to conclude with a Climate Concert. Be punctual, carry your reusable bottle , water , lunch and T-shirt will be provided. If you are an artist and wish to perform send a WhatsApp message to 0700576154.
Hope for Creation: Dialogue for a Fossil Fuel-Free Future in the Philippines
This event aims to ignite transformative dialogue among various stakeholders in the Philippines. Guided by the Season of Creation theme “To Hope and Act with Creation,” it is dedicated to fostering dialogue aimed at accelerating the transition towards a fossil fuel-free future and endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Led by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, Caritas Philippines, the Laudato Si' Movement, and Laudato Si' Movement Pilipinas, this event seeks to unite policymakers, community leaders, faith communities, civil society organizations, and other key actors in this crucial conversation.
Together, we will explore pathways to a fossil fuel-free future, engaging in meaningful dialogue to advance this mission and contribute to the collective effort of caring for our common home.
Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future!
CALL TO ACTION: September 13 to 20
The coming months offer crucial opportunities for a radical transformation in our social, economic, and political systems. The Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels and the #PayUp Climate Finance Campaign are joining forces this September 13 to 20 to hold the Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future! Together let us raise our voices to demand Global North governments to stop making empty promises, cease pandering to corporations to perpetuate fossil fuels. They must meet their climate finance obligations in full. They must take on their full fair share of domestic and international actions to ensure a fast, fair, feminist and funded fossil fuel phase-out.
The Global Week of Action will include a series of on and offline mobilisations starting with the #EndFossilFuels Action on September 13 and concluding with the #PayUp for Climate Finance Action on September 20.
On September 13, we aim to start the week of action with our call to #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever and demand world leaders to fulfill their obligations towards building a fossil fuel-free world. We urge groups and organizations to hold peaceful protest actions that will expose the harms that the fossil fuel industry is doing to our communities and ecosystems, and hold governments, corporations and financial institutions accountable for the damages and injustices they inflict upon our communities.
Unveiling the Values and Ideals for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Join us for the webinar "Unveiling the Values and Ideals for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty," where we will delve into the critical findings and recommendations from the latest report on this groundbreaking initiative. The report highlights the importance of embedding core values into the treaty and stresses the need for a global, collaborative approach to its operationalization.
Over 20 global consultations were conducted in partnership with Satat Sampada, engaging a diverse range of stakeholders, including representatives from Human Rights, Peace and Security, Health, Labour, Youth, Faith, Gender, and Indigenous Peoples. These consultations spanned multiple continents and languages, resulting in a set of guiding principles that will serve as the foundation for the treaty text.
This webinar will provide a comprehensive examination of these principles, application for a global just transition, and exploring how they can shape a treaty that not only addresses climate change but also advances equity and justice.
List of Speakers:
This webinar will be occurring twice, once at 6 AM GMT (English only) and once at 3 PM GMT (English, French, and Spanish).
Click the events to learn more
2023 Event Highlights
Past Events
To view all past livestreams and event recordings, please visit our Youtube Channel.
To see all the photographs from Fossil Fuel Treaty Events, please view our Digital Photos Albums.
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2020 Event Highlights
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Contact us.
For general enquiries contact info@fossilfueltreaty.org
For media and event enquiries contact media@fossilfueltreaty.org – this email is being monitored 24/7 by our global communications team.
For all other campaign enquiries contact info@fossilfueltreaty.org
For organisational partnerships and campaign inquiries contact partners@fossilfueltreaty.org and a member of our Global Partnerships team will reach out