Below are a number of resources relating to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, including briefings for policymakers, relevant research, recent publications and useful databases. Learn more about the Fossil Fuel Treaty’s Theory of Change.
New & Emerging Research
Groundbreaking briefings, reports, and research. This new and emerging research can be used to inform and expand the knowledge of governments, cities, NGOs, and activists. This is the most recent research from the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation team in collaboration with partners.
Transitioning Away from Fossil Fuels to Curb Air Pollution Health Harms
Rachel Ruback, Lucas Snaije (2025)
Exporting Harm: The Climate Toll of Australia’s Fossil Fuel Expansion
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, 2025
We Must Stop Subsidising Fossil Fuels and Tax them Instead: A Shipping Levy is the Best Way to get Serious this Year
Dr. Christiaan De Beukelaer, University of Melbourne (2025)
If It's Not Global, It's Not Just: How a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty can Accelerate Finance for a Global Just Transition
Dr. Amiera Sawas, Rebecca Brynes, Mia Partridge (2024)
Urgent Action to Address Energy Access, Debt and Finance for Renewable Energy in the Caribbean Region: Can a new generation of debt-for-renewables swap help?
Jwala Rambarran, Dr. Preeya Mohan, Dr. Amiera Sawas (2024)
Briefing Notes & Research
Briefings and reports that can help inform governments, cities and other decision-makers about the case for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Want to organise for a member of the Treaty Support Team to join a briefing? Contact
Briefing for Policymakers
Available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Arabic
COP28 Briefing: How a Fossil Fuel Treaty will Accelerate the Goals of the Paris Agreement
Available in English
Smoke and Mirrors: The Terms "Unabated" Fossil Fuels and "Inefficient" Subsidies are a Tactic to Delay a Just Transition from Coal, Oil, and Gas
Available in English
Financing a Fair and Fast Energy Transition
Available in English
The Just Transition Pillar of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty proposal
Available in English
Amazon: The First Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Zone?
Available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
Summary Flyer
Available in English
Lessons from Humanitarian Treaties for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Available in English
Nature restoration is no substitute for steep emission reductions
Available in English
Transitioning Away from Fossil Fuels to Curb Air Pollution Health Harms
Available in English
Research & Publications
The Treaty team with partners publish novel research digging into issues related to fossil fuel production.
General news, including press releases and major media coverage, are available in our latest news.
Research Library
Third-party research relevant to the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Over-reliance on land for carbon dioxide removal in net-zero climate pledges
Kate Dooley, Kirstine Lund Christiansen, Jens Friis Lund, Wim Carton & Alister Self (2024), Nature Communications 15, Article number: 9118
Overcoming International Investment Agreements as a Barrier to Climate Action
A Toolkit to Safeguard Fossil Fuel Measures from Investment Treaty Claims, Center for International Environmental Law (2024)
Fatal fuels: Why human rights protection urgently requires a full and equitable fossil fuel phase out
Why Human Rights Protection Urgently Requires a Full and Equitable Fossil Fuel Phase Out: a paper first published in by Amnesty International (2023)
The political economy of fossil fuel production in the Post-Paris Era: Critically evaluating Nationally Determined Contributions
Amy Janzwood and Kathryn Harrison (2023)
Just Transition: A Climate, Energy and Development Vision for Africa (2023)
Youba Sokona, including Yacob Mulugetta, Meron Tesfamichael, Fadhel Kaboub, Niclas Hällström, Matthew Stilwell, Mohamed Adow, and Colin Besaans
Crisis Point Report
Massive Threats to Amazon and Congo Tropical Forests and Communities From Oil and Gas Expansion - Earth InSight (2022)
Equity, Climate Justice and Fossil Fuel Extraction: Principles for a Managed Phase Out
Sivan Kartha & Greg Muttit (2019), Climate Policy, 20:8, 1024-1042
The 2021 Production Gap Report
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), E3G, and UNEP.
Trends in Fossil Fuel Extraction
Achakulwisut, P. and Erickson, P., Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), (2021)
Institutional Mechanisms to Keep Unburnable Fossil Fuel Reserves in the Soil
Lorenzo Pellegrinia, Murat Arsel, Martí Orta-Martínez, Carlos F.Mena, Gorka Muñoa, Energy Policy (2020), 112029
The Case for a Supply-side Climate Treaty
G. B. Asheim, T. Fæhn, K. Nyborg, M. Greaker, C. Hagem, B. Harstad, M. O. Hoel, D. Lund, K. E. Rosendahl, Science (2019), 325-327
Unextractable Fossil Fuels in a 1.5 °c World
Dan Welsby, James Price, Steve Pye & Paul Ekins, Nature (2020), 597, pages 230–234
Toward a New Instrument Addressing the Full Life Cycle of Plastics Overview of the Typology of International Legal Instruments
Centre for International Environmental Law (2022)
Phaseout Pathways for Fossil Fuel Production Within Paris-compliant Carbon Budgets
Tyndall Center, University of Manchester (2022)
Stockholm+50: Unlocking a Better Future
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), (2022)
Cutting with both arms of the scissors: the economic and political case for restrictive supply-side climate policies
Fergus Green & Richard Denniss (2018)
Understanding supply-side climate policies: towards an interdisciplinary framework
Newell, P., Carter, A. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (2024).
Submissions and Advices
A collection of formal submissions to UN and other high-level policy processes.
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Submission to the Special Rapporteur call on Fossil Fuel based Economy and Human Rights
Just Transition Work Programme Submission: Ensuring support for people-centric and equitable just transition pathways with a focus on the whole- of-society approach and the workforce
Advisory Memo: Fossil Fuel Commitments in Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement
Mitigation Work Programme: 2023 Global Dialogues
Submission to the Call for Inputs to the First Global Stocktake
Submission to the High-level Expert Group on the Net-zero Emissions Commitments of Non-state Entities
Submission to High Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism
Messaging Playbooks
Messaging research and communications playbooks on how to talk about the need for a just transition from fossil fuels
Databases and Tools
Important databases that can help inform the development of a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.