Health professionals around the world call for Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to protect lives of current and future generations.
The international scientific consensus is clear: to protect the health and lives of present and future generations we need a rapid, equitable phase-out of fossil fuels globally, so as not to exceed 1.5ºC of warming. We, the undersigned health professionals and organizations, call on governments around the world to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, laying out a legally binding global plan to:
End expansion of any new fossil fuel infrastructure and production by immediately ending activity and investment across all new or expanded fossil fuel exploration, extraction, and building of infrastructure, in line with the best available science.
Phase out existing production and use of fossil fuels in a fair and equitable manner in line with the 1.5C global climate goal. To address existing inequity, we call on high-income countries to provide financial, technological and other support to low- and middle-income countries in the move away from fossil fuels, ensuring the transition reduces poverty rather than exacerbating it.
Fast-track real solutions and ensure a just transition for every worker, community, and country creating a healthy and sustainable future for all. A just transition must respect Indigenous rights and the rights of local communities.
Like the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty would be an evidence-based international agreement to control a category of substances well-known to be harmful to human health. The health risks associated with fossil fuels are numerous.
Burning fossil fuels presents severe threats to human and planetary health.
Air pollution, most significantly from burning fossil fuels, is causing more than seven million premature deaths each year. It contributes to cardiovascular disease, respiratory conditions, and cancers. Wildfires, made increasingly intense and common by climate change, add to this burden.
The climate crisis, largely caused by burning fossil fuels, is a critical health threat, exacerbating other health challenges and threatening health care systems.
The warming climate creates ideal conditions for the transmission of food and water-borne diseases and spread of vector-borne diseases, undermining decades of progress in global public health.
Climate change increases the risk of heat related illness and death, especially for very young children, outdoor workers, athletes, and older adults.
Droughts, floods, extreme weather events and sea level rise caused by climate change disrupt livelihoods, pollute water, jeopordize food security, damage infrastructure and force migration especially for populations living on small islands, coastal regions and low-lying areas.
Extreme weather events disrupt global medical supply chains and devastate healthcare facilities, severely impacting health workers’ ability to provide health care.
Climate change is taking a serious toll on mental health, exacerbating anxiety and depression, especially in young people.
There are also specific human and occupational health risks associated with every stage of fossil fuel operations including extraction, refining, manufacturing of by-products, transportation, distribution, and disposal of waste products.
Residential proximity to oil and gas extraction has been found to increase the incidence of respiratory ailments and poor birth outcomes, and is potentially associated with other health harms. Living near coal mines is associated with an increased risk of lung disease and cancers, and weeks lost from school and work. Extraction-related light and noise pollution, water use and pollution, ecosystem degradation, and habitat, livelihood, and community disruption also negatively impact health.
Proximity to petrochemical refineries, and exposure to facilities manufacturing other fossil fuel-derived products are associated with an increased risk of illnesses including childhood asthma and hematological malignancies.
Transportation of fossil fuels has a history of spills and explosions with acute and chronic health impacts for nearby communities and cleanup workers.
Safe disposal of fossil fuel waste products remains a challenge, as waste products contain substances with known health impacts, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals.
Workers at extractive sites and in refineries face additional unique health risks including severe respiratory diseases and highly malignant forms of cancer, as well as injuries from fires and blasts.
Communities in proximity to fossil fuel activity are subject to threats and violence, including but not exclusively when they seek to protect their lands, livelihoods and health. The severity and scale of these harms are amplified within Indigenous communities due to their unique linkages to the territories where they live.
The health risks and impacts of climate change, air pollution, and proximity to extraction and processing sites are not equally distributed. They fall most heavily on communities who are least historically responsible for fossil fuel emissions, with the most limited access to the resources and power needed for redress. This includes populations in the Global South, Indigenous peoples, people facing racial and other forms of discrimination, people experiencing poverty, people with chronic health conditions, and young people.
Phasing out fossil fuel use and extraction offers an opportunity to improve health and address health inequities. Expanding access to energy through distributed, resilient and affordable carbon-free renewable energy systems will have health benefits and will maximize energy savings and efficiency. Phasing out fossil fuels would prevent 3.6 million deaths due to ambient air pollution worldwide annually. The same cannot be said for proposed false solutions, such as carbon capture and storage, which do little to protect health and introduce new risks. To protect health, we need to phase out fossil fuels altogether, taking care to ensure renewable energy projects avoid creating new health risks.
Health professionals work hard to save lives. It is our duty to prioritize our patients’ safety, dignity and comfort and we are duty-bound to speak out about the serious global health risks posed by the continued extraction and use of fossil fuels. Efforts are underway to build low-carbon, sustainable health systems at both national and institutional levels, but to protect the health and lives of current and future generations, we must collectively do much more to rapidly reduce emissions.
Health professionals around the world recognize that all stages of the fossil fuel lifecycle present a grave and escalating threat to human health. We see this in our clinics and hospitals, caring for patients and communities suffering from health impacts of climate change, fossil fuel production, and air pollution. To protect the health of our patients and communities, now and in the future, we join the call for a global Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The drafting of this letter was led by Global Climate Health Alliance, Physicians for Social Responsibility and Health Care Without Harm. A version of the letter with linked references is available here.
357 Health Organisation Signatories
Global Organisations
World Health Organization
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
World Federation of Public Health Associations
World Heart Federation
World Medical Association
Global Climate & Health Alliance
Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education
Health Care Without Harm
European Union of Medical Specialists
International Council of Nurses
International Council of Psychologists
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)
International Federation of Medical Students' AssocIations
International Pediatric Association
International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation
International Primary Care Respiratory Group
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE)
International Society for Children's Health and Environment
International Society for Social Pediatrics and Child Health
International Society of Doctors for the Environment, ISDE
Environmental Physiotherapy Association
European Health Psychology Society
Médecins du Monde International Network
People's Health Movement
Planetary Health Report Card Initiative
Psychology Coalition of NGOs at the United Nations
Vital Strategies
Organisations by Country
Alianza Clima Vida y Salud Internacional
Buenos Aires Sostenible
FLACSO (Latin American School of Social Sciences)
Fundacion Cardiologica Argentina
Movimiento Laudato Si' - Capítulo Argentina
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Australian Federation of Medical Women
Australian Health Promotion Association
Climate and Health Alliance
Doctors for the Environment Australia
Healthy Futures
Health for Future Austria
Österreichischer Verband Grüner Krankenhäuser ÖVGK (Austrian Green Hospital Association)
Fédération des maisons médicales
Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)
Health for Future Belgium
Intergroupe liégeois des maisons médicales asbl
ACT Health Promotion
Health Hospitals Project
Association Air for Health
Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment/Association des infirmiers et infirmières pour l'environment
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Canadian Climate Psychiatry Alliance
Canadian Health Association for Sustainability and Equity (CHAE)
Canadian Public Health Association / Association canadienne de santé publique
Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Climate Emergency Institute
Doctors for Planetary Health - West Coast
Dr. K. Goodall, psychological services, prof. Corp.
Faculty Club, University of Toronto
Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet GASP
Naturopathic Doctors for Environmental and Social Trust
Ontario Public Health Association
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Synergie Santé Environnement
West Elgin Community Health Centre
Agrupación de enfermeras ecologistas
Colegio Médico Araucanía
Colegio Médico de Chile A.G.
Comite de Salud Ambiental Infantil-Chile
Cuadernos Mèdico Sociales
Laboratorio de Cambio Social, Ciudad Viva-Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
ANHE Latinoamérica
ESE Hospital Universitario de Santander
Fundación Clínica Infantil Club Noel
Waynakay Latinoamerica Movement
Asociación Proyecto Camino Verde
Centro Latinoamericano de Excelencia en Cambio Climático y Salud
Doctors for Future, Czech republic (Lékaři za budoucnost, Česká republika)
Læger for Klimaet
Lääkärin sosiaalinen vastuu, Physicians for Social Responsibility – Finland (PSR Finland)
The Filipino Nurses Association in the Nordic Region
Alliance Santé Planétaire
CHU La Réunion
Mbolo Association
Aluna Minga e.V.
Arbeitskreis Plastik und Nachhaltigkeit in der Dermatologie (APN)
Ärztekammer Schleswg-Holstein
Ärztlicher Kreis- und Bezirksverband München
Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte e.V.
Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen, BDP e.V.
BPM, Berufsverband der Fachärzte für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Leitenden Klinikärzte für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie e. V.
Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer - Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists in Germany
Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e. V. (bvmd)
Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit - KLUG - e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin u. Umweltmedizin (DGAUM) e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fachkrankenpflege und Funktionsdienste e. V. (DGF)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für internistisce Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin (DGIIN)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie e.V. (DGKJP)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaft e.V. (DGP)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (DGVT) e. V.
Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft
Deutsche PsychotherapeutenVereinigung e.V. (DPtV)
Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe (DBfK) e.V.
Deutscher Hausärztverband e.V.
Deutscher Pflegerat
Deutscher Verband Ergotherapie e.V. (DVE)
DOG Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e.V.
EbM-Netzwerk - Netzwerk Evidenzbasierte Medizin e.V.
Fraktion Gesundheit in der Ärztekammer Berlin
German Association of Epidemiology (DGEpi)
German Medical Association
German Public Health Association
German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
German Society of Medical Sociology (DGMS)
German Society of Nursing Science
German Society of Surgery
Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendrheumatologie / German Society of Pediatric Rheumatology
Gesundheitsnetz Qualität und Effizienz eG
Global and Planetary Health working group, Institute for Medical Epidemiology, Biometrics and Informatics, Martin Luther-University, Halle (Saale), Germany
Global Climate Psychology For a Just Future
Hamburgische Krankenhausgesellschaft
Health for Future
Health for Future Aachen
Health for Future Frankfurt
Health for Future Hamburg
Health for Future Münster
Heath for Future Leipzig
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Germany
Klimaschutz+ Stiftung e.V.
Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
Landespflegerat Baden-Württemberg
Marburger Bund - Verband der angestellten und beamteten Ärztinnen und Ärzte Deutschlands e.V.
Pan African Health Systems Network
Pharmacists for Future
Praxis Limburt
Professional Association of German Anaesthesiologists
Professional Board of German Surgeons
Protect the Planet
RWTH Aachen University
Sophienklinik GmbH
Stiftung Gesunde Erde - Gesunde Menschen
transfer e.V.
VBMC ValueBasedManagedCare GmbH
Verein demokratischer Pharmazeutinnen und Pharmazeuten (VdPP) e.V.
Virchowbund, German Association of Doctors in Private Practice
AbibiNsroma Foundation
Carbone Guinée
Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health, India
Environment & Child Health Group, Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Environment and child health group CIAP
Healthy Energy Initiative - India (The Other Media)
Indian Institute for Peace Disarmament & Environmental Protection
Lung Care Foundation
Maharashtra Academy Of Pediatricians
Navi Mumbai Association Of Pediatrics
Public Health Foundation of India
SGA on environment and child health IPA
Vydehi institute of dental sciences and research Center
Warrior Moms India
Yayasan Alam Sehat Lestari
Irish Doctors for the Environment
Irish Global Health Network
Irish Society of Specialists in Public Health Medicine (ISSPHM)
Ryan Institute, University of Galway
Society for Social Medicine and Population Health
A.N.G.E.V. OdV - Sede Operativa
CNAI Italian Nurses Association
European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians
ISDE, Associazione Medici per l'Ambiente Italia
Health and Global Policy Institute
Health and Global Policy Institute
Dibeen For Environmental Development
Africa Climate and Health Alliance
Association of Doctors for the Environment MADE - Macedonia
St Anne Clinic
Malaysian Paediatric Association
Centro Estatal de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y Control de Enfermedades (CEVECE)
De Duurzame Verpleegkundige (The Sustainable Nurse)
De groene SEH; The Dutch EM Climate & Health Interest group
Dutch Emergency Medicine Climate and Health Interest group
European Public Health Association (EUPHA)
European Specialist Nurses Organisation
Reclame Fossielvrij
Zorginstituut Nederland
Health Environmentand Climate Action Foundation (HECAF360)
New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine
OraTaiao:NZ Climate and Health Council
Public Health Association of New Zealand
Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) - CSOs Network
Amaclare Connect & Development Initiative (Our Lady of Perpetual Help initiaive)
Dr Uzo Adirieje Foundation (DUZAFOUND)
Global Emerging Pathogens Treatment Consortium (GET)
Nurses Across the Borders International
Society for Conservation and Sustainability of Energy and Environment in Nigeria (SOCSEEN)/Afrihealth Optonet Association (CSOs)
Norwegian Medical students association
Norwegian Physicians' Campaign against Climate Change
Stopp oljeletinga
The Norwegian Psychology Association
Sukaar Welfare Organization
Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan
Dr. Arturo P. Pingoy Medical Center
Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
RISE South East Asia Alliance for Health and Climate
St. Pauls Hospital of Iloilo, Inc.
Pedestrian Space
Qatar Medical Students' Association
Action for Women and Children Concern(AWCC)
groundWork, Friends of the Earth South Africa
South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU)
Asociación Española de Pediatría
Association for Support the Patients with Pneumonia and their Families (NEUMOAI)
Comité, 48 Congreso de la Sociedad de Pediatria del Sureste
DKV Seguros
EIGA (Asociación Galega de Investigación na Enfermidade Inflamatoria Intestinal)
medicusmundi españa
Pediatric Environmental Health Speciality Unit Murcia
TECNIQ 2013, S.L.
Youth and Women for Change
Läkare i Världen (Médecins du Monde Sweden)
Psychologist & Psychotherapists for Future Sweden
Swedish Doctors for the Environment
Doctors for XR Switzerland
Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology
Clean Green Tonga Incorporated
EarthMedic and EarthNurse Foundation for Planetary Health
Amoru AIDS Support Community Initiative
Kikandwa Environmental Association
MentorPoint Africa
West Humanitarian Response Committee (WNHRC)
Airlie Medical Practice
Association of Anaesthetists
Association of Clinical Psychologists, UK
Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH)
Bodriggy Health Centre
British and Irish Association of Stroke Physicians
British Geriatrics Society
British Medical Association
Chorlton Family Practice
Climate Acceptance Studios-Ride for their Lives
Climate and Health Scorecard Project
Doctors in Unite
Epilepsy Nurses Association (ESNA)
European Young Family Doctors' Movement (EYFDM - formerly Vasco da Faculty of Public Health
Gama Movement
Green at Bart’s Health
Green Health Wales
Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists
Heartbeat Primary Care CIC
Intensive Care Society
Leeds Medact
Main Street Medical Centre, Bridgeton, Glasgow
Mount Vernon Hospital
NHS Green Bees
Nurses United UK
Paediatric Mental Health Association
Pharmacy Declares
Planetary Health Report Card
Plant-Based Health Professionals UK
Primary Care Respiratory Society
Psych Declares
Renal Unit, Royal Free Hospital, London
Royal College of Emergency Medicine
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Royal College of Occupational Therapists
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Royal College of Pathologists
Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Society for Acute Medicine
St Augustine's Surgery
St Georges University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Sustainable Exercise Partnership
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
The Medical Group
Tower Hamlets GP Care Group CIC
Transport and Health Science Group
UK Faculty of Public Health
UK Health Alliance on Climate Change
Wellspring Surgery
Wyre Forest Health Partnership
Young People’s Health Special Interest Group, in association with Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine
Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
American College of Lifestyle Medicine
American Medical Women's Association Physicians Georgia Branch
Association of Academic Physiatrists
California Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice
Center for Climate Change and Health
Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility
Climate 911
Climate and Health Foundation
Climate Code Blue
Climate for Health/ecoAmerica
Climate Health Now
Climate Psychiatry Alliance
Common Ground Rising
Concerned Health Professionals of New York
DAMASCUS Citizens for Sustainability
George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility
Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate
Health Promotion Consultants
Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action
Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate
NC Clinicians for Climate Action
New Hampshire Healthcare Workers for Climate Action
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Physicians Against Red Meat (PhARM)
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Arizona Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Maine
Physicians for Social Responsibility - New York
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Sacramento
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
Physicians for Social Responsibility Colorado
Physicians for Social Responsibility Iowa Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin
Physicians for Social Responsibility- Los Angeles
Precision Policy Solutions, LLC
Psychology Coalition of NGOs at the United Nations
Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC), Climate Actions Campaign
Puerto Rico Clinicians for Climate Action
San Diego Pediatricians for Clean Air
San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
South Carolina Health Professionals for Climate Action
Sustain Our Abilities
Texas Physicians for Social Responsibility
The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health
True Health Initiative
Vermont Climate And Health Alliance
Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action
Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
West End Revitalization Association (WERA)
Wisconsin Environmental Health Network
Wisconsin Health Professionals for Climate Action
CHERAD (Center for Health Environment Management R&D
Yemen Public Health Association
Centre for Natural Resource Governance