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Clean Energy = Clean Air: Why cooperation to phase out fossil fuels is essential for public health

  • Centro de Convenciones Cartagena de Indias | CCCI, Room TBC Calle 24 Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, 131001 Colombia (map)

Friday 28 March 2025, 9:00am-12:00pm
Centro de Convenciones Cartagena de Indias | CCCI, Room TBC

Fossil fuel extraction, refining and manufacturing of byproducts, transportation, distribution and disposal of waste products have proven to enhance potentially catastrophic and often cumulative health harms across the life span of individuals and future generations, especially for marginalized communities. With air pollution a key driver of these harms, phasing out fossil fuels should be understood as one of the most impactful and cost-effective global health interventions available today, with the potential to substantially reduce preventable health harms worldwide.

Careful planning and international coordination are essential to meet the twin challenges of phasing out fossil fuels rapidly enough to avoid catastrophic effects of climate change on health, while ensuring equity and a global just transition.  Momentum around a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is growing, with a growing block of 16 endorsing countries from 4 continents, as well as 130 city and subnational governments including 17 national capitals, and a global network of thousands of organisations across all sectors of society. 

This event will present strong evidence on fossil fuels as a threat to health and underscore the need for multilateral solutions beyond climate negotiations, including the importance of this proposed mechanism to protect public health. New research on the health harms of fossil fuels will be shared by the Global Climate & Health Alliance, high profile activists and health experts will share their perspective, and Ministers, Mayors, and local officials will highlight good practices to demonstrate leadership through action. 


  • Lucas Snaije, Coordinator, Health & Urbanisation Programme, Fossil Fuel Non Proliferatio Treaty

  • Jen Kuhl, Networks & Engagement Lead, Global Climate Health Alliance

  • Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change, and Health at the World Health Organization

  • Myrto Tilianaki, Senior Advocate, Environment and Human Rights, Human Rights Watch

  • Bhavreen Kandhari, Founder Warrior Moms

  • Madeleine MacGillivray, Climate Justice Lead, Seeding Sovereignty

  • Dr. Sandra Cortés, Associate Professor, Public Health, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile GCHA

  • Dr. Sandra Steingraber, a biologist, author, and environmental activist

  • Aparna Bose, Senior Correspondent, Press Trust India

March 24

Air, Land, and Climate: Voices from Anti-Fracking Movements