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World Peace Congress - Youth Activism and the Climate Emergency


Second IPB World Peace Congress (Barcelona), “(Re) Imagine our World: Action for Peace and Justice”

Activism in a time of Climate and Human Survival Emergency

We are facing a global threat against the future of mankind. Climate emergency, species extinction, and the destruction of a planet were human beings can live a fruitful life by a nuclear war are threats against the survival of mankind we never have seen before.

The climate emergency has a special character, as any emission in the world will reach the whole planet, and any deforestation will reduce the capacity to store carbon dioxide and lower the risks. The damage it is causing is unevenly distributed but nothing but a common effort can stop the devastating effects. Thus it has caused special attention.

Yet species extinction can be seen as an equally dangerous threat to humankind as well as nuclear war, the threat against the survival of mankind that can cause the fastest destruction of the biosphere as we know it.

With this in mind, we invite participants worldwide to a seminar with activists to discuss possibilities for strengthening the climate justice struggle and how different movements for the survival of mankind from different rural and urban, peace, social and ecological perspectives best can resist the present destructive world order and construct social and ecological just transition.

The format of the seminar will emphasize participation by all attendees through breakup rooms or similar forms depending on if it can be held in a physical form or digital.


Tord Björk | Sweden | Friends of the Earth Sweden


Seble Samuel | Ethiopia | Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative

Amos Wallgren | Finland | Extinction Rebellion

Zeno Bernhard | France | Attac

Learn More

October 13

Fossil Fuel Treaty at TED

October 28

The UN and the Climate Nuclear Nexus