What is your full name? * First Name Last Name Faith or faith institution e.g. "Church of England" – this will be listed publicly when the letter is delivered to world leaders. Your Affiliation * e.g. "Archbishop of Canterbury" – this will be listed publicly when the letter is delivered to world leaders. Can be a former affiliation if relevant. Is your institution also signing onto this statement? Over 200 faith institutions have endorsed the Fossil Fuel Treaty. Check this box if you would like your institution to be listed publicly. Yes — we would like to endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty as an institution No — I am signing on in a personal capacity only What is your best contact email * This will not be made public and will only be used by the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative and Greenfaith to send you updates on the open letter, the call for a Treaty and Greenfaith campaigns. Country * What is your preferred primary language? * Optional: Provide a quote on why you are endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Optional: Twitter Handle @ Optional: Provide your mobile number for SMS updates Country (###) ### #### Thank you!