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Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future!

CALL TO ACTION: September 13 to 20

The coming months offer crucial opportunities for a radical transformation in our social, economic, and political systems. The Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels and the #PayUp Climate Finance Campaign are joining forces this September 13 to 20  to hold the Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future! Together let us raise our voices to demand Global North governments  to stop making empty promises, cease pandering to corporations to perpetuate fossil fuels. They must meet their climate finance obligations in full.  They must take on their full fair share of domestic and international actions to ensure a fast, fair, feminist and funded fossil fuel phase-out.

The Global Week of Action will include a series of on and offline mobilisations starting with the #EndFossilFuels Action on September 13 and concluding with the #PayUp for Climate Finance Action on September 20.

On September 13, we aim to start the week of action with our call to #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever and demand world leaders to fulfill their obligations towards building a fossil fuel-free world. We urge groups and organizations to hold peaceful protest actions that will expose the harms that the fossil fuel industry is doing to our communities and ecosystems, and hold governments, corporations and financial institutions accountable for the damages and injustices they inflict upon our communities.

September 11

Unveiling the Values and Ideals for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

September 21

Global Day of Action for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty