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Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future!
to Sep 20

Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future!

CALL TO ACTION: September 13 to 20

The coming months offer crucial opportunities for a radical transformation in our social, economic, and political systems. The Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels and the #PayUp Climate Finance Campaign are joining forces this September 13 to 20  to hold the Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future! Together let us raise our voices to demand Global North governments  to stop making empty promises, cease pandering to corporations to perpetuate fossil fuels. They must meet their climate finance obligations in full.  They must take on their full fair share of domestic and international actions to ensure a fast, fair, feminist and funded fossil fuel phase-out.

The Global Week of Action will include a series of on and offline mobilisations starting with the #EndFossilFuels Action on September 13 and concluding with the #PayUp for Climate Finance Action on September 20.

On September 13, we aim to start the week of action with our call to #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever and demand world leaders to fulfill their obligations towards building a fossil fuel-free world. We urge groups and organizations to hold peaceful protest actions that will expose the harms that the fossil fuel industry is doing to our communities and ecosystems, and hold governments, corporations and financial institutions accountable for the damages and injustices they inflict upon our communities.

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Interfaith Climate Procession Nairobi

Interfaith Climate Procession Nairobi

Saturday, 21 September is the Global Day of the  FFNPT  Action. We shall come together from different Faith, groups and Institutions, to raise a prophetic voice , calling our leaders to endorse the treaty. On this day we shall all gather at    Kenya Wildlife Service HQ Langata road at 8:00 am and march  to The  Catholic University of Eastern Africa Missio  Hall  to conclude with a Climate Concert. Be punctual, carry your reusable bottle  , water , lunch and T-shirt will be provided. If you are an artist and wish to perform send a WhatsApp message to 0700576154. 

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End of the Fossil Fuel Era Rights of Nature Tribunal

End of the Fossil Fuel Era Rights of Nature Tribunal

  • The New School Starr Foundation Hall, University Center Room UL102 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will convene at Climate Week in New York to address the global challenges posed by the fossil fuel industry. This session aims to amplify the Rights of Nature as a crucial tool in defending life on Earth - featuring testimony from frontline community representatives and expert panels, the Tribunal will scrutinize the fossil fuel industry's impacts on biodiversity and BIPOC communities, and advocate for a just and clean transition by keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Join us in this pivotal moment as we pave the way toward COP30 in Brazil.

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Fossil Fuel Treaty @ Climate Week: The Hub Live

Fossil Fuel Treaty @ Climate Week: The Hub Live


Join Tzeporah Berman, Chair of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative at The Hub Live during Climate Week to hear more about the need for greater international cooperation to manage a just transition away from coal, oil and gas – the primary cause of the climate crisis.

In-person attendance is invite-only, but will be livestreamed for all (details coming soon)

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Stop Fossil Fuels from Fuelling Conflict: Why a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is an essential climate tool for peace

Stop Fossil Fuels from Fuelling Conflict: Why a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is an essential climate tool for peace

Join us for an insightful webinar as we delve into groundbreaking research by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) on the intersection of fossil fuels, conflict, and peace. The webinar will present a compelling paper exploring how fossil fuel dependencies exacerbate conflicts and why the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is a crucial tool for promoting global peace and addressing climate change. The discussion will highlight how resource-rich nations’ extraction activities often lead to social tensions and conflicts in marginalized communities, amplifying the need for effective climate policies to advance peace and security.

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Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions

Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions

Please join us at this event hosted by our partners at the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)

On September 25th, join us at the UN Church Center for a powerful forum organized by the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN). Hear from influential women leaders like Federal Deputy Celia Xakriaba, Casey Camp-Horinek, Jacqui Patterson, and others on the frontlines of the climate crisis as they discuss ending the era of fossil fuels and implementing solutions for a Just Transition.

This is an in-person during Climate Week in New York City for an inspiring and strategic WECAN forum, “Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions.”​

​During this in-person forum, women leaders in all their diversity will come together to share comprehensive and intersectional approaches and strategies to stop fossil fuel extraction, accelerate community-led climate solutions, and lead a Just Transition grounded in a climate justice framework. Critical topics include fossil fuel resistance; food sovereignty; forest protection; gender-responsive climate policies; Indigenous and human rights; Rights of Nature; strategic preparations for COP29 and COP30; uplifting care economies; community-led solutions; and transformative policies for our collective future. Women are leading the way!

​Confirmed speakers, with more to be announced soon:

  • Federal Deputy Célia Xakriabá (Xakriabá), Member of the Brazil Chamber of Deputies from Minas Gerais State, and Co-founder of The National Association of Indigenous Ancestral Women Warriors (ANMIGA)

  • Casey Camp Horinek (Ponca Nation), Ponca Nation Environmental Ambassador and WECAN Board Member and Project Coordinator

  • Jacqui Patterson, Founder and Executive Director of The Chisholm Legacy Project, 2024 TIME Women of the Year, Earth Award recipient

  • Secretary Puyr Tembé (Tembé), the first Secretary of Indigenous Peoples of the State of Pará in Brazil, and Co-founder of The National Association of Indigenous Ancestral Women Warriors (ANMIGA)

  • Roishetta Ozane, Founder of Vessel Project of Louisiana and Gulf Fossil Finance Coordinator for the Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund

  • Eriel Tchekwie Deranger (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation), Executive Director of Indigenous Climate Action

  • Tzeporah Berman, Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

  • With moderation and comments by Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder and Executive Director of Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)

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Safe Cities Presents: Climate Week Happy Hour

Safe Cities Presents: Climate Week Happy Hour

Safe Cities Presents: Climate Week Happy Hour

Come join us for a fun evening at The Half Pint as we celebrate how cities are halting the spread of fossil fuels over drinks and snacks. RSVP now to secure your spot. Space is limited.

You'll hear from Safe Cities, Neighbors United, and the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty teams about their campaigns to drive cities forward in the clean energy transition and preventing fossil fuel expansion. This brief panel presentation will leave you with key learnings you can apply to your work right away!


SAFE Cities will speak to the growing momentum behind, and challenges facing, the building electrification movement in the wake of the Berkeley decision at the beginning of this year. They will also touch on the importance of local action and how individual city level policies can lead to regional, and even state/province-wide shifts in addressing the threats fossil fuels pose to climate and health. SAFE Cities works with local activists, elected officials, and staff across North America to pass policies that phase out fossil fuels and fast track clean energy.

Neighbors United Executive Director, Montana Burgess, will share lessons learned from her team's suburban deep canvassing campaign for all-electric new buildings, as well as emerging lessons from deep canvassing partnerships in midwest states to build support from small town residents for clean energy projects. Montana's team pioneered deep canvassing in climate, energy, and biodiversity in small, rural and suburban communities with the guidance of New Conversation Initiative.

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty North America campaigns lead, Rachel Ruback, will give a status update on this fast growing initiative to create a breakthrough on the just transition from fossil fuels through a justice-centered international coalition that bridges governments, civil society partners and thought-leaders. Rachel will outline why campaigns to secure endorsements at the subnational level are crucial to help kick start international negotiations, share case studies on how local action on the Treaty can lead to concrete policy changes, and provide strategies for how attendees can call on their own governments to endorse.

Venue is wheelchair accessible and located close to transit.

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A world-building event with food, drinks, and a place to make new friends.

Join a briefing on how communicators can help amplify the call for a Fossil Fuel Treaty at this world-building event run by Symbiocene with food, drinks, and a space to make new climate friends.

Design can make another world possible. Join us at SYMBIOFUTURES, an opportunity to dive into adaptive intelligence, AI, and more than human thinking as design tools for a world in transition.


Doors Open 6 PM
Panel Starts 7–7:45 PM
Networking 7:45–9 PM

Speakers: Aditi Mayer, Isabelle Boemeke, Kalpana Arias, Isaias Hernandez, and more TBA with a special talk from Tori Tsui of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

What To Expect

💬 A place to make new friends + connect with leaders across movements.

🌎 Learn how to engage in climate solutions and new subjects

🍎 Bites & Drinks provided

Co-Founded by Isaias Hernandez (Queer Brown Vegan) + Kalpana Arias (Nowadays On Earth)

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2023 Event Highlights

Past Events

To view all past livestreams and event recordings, please visit our Youtube Channel.
To see all the photographs from Fossil Fuel Treaty Events, please view our Digital Photos Albums.

  • Pacific Loss & Damages Dialogue

    Pacific Island governments committed to create a “Fossil Fuel Free Pacific” and called for all countries to join them in managing a global, equitable, and unqualified phase out of coal, oil and gas. At the close of the three-day meeting in Samoa, Ministers and officials from a block of six Pacific countries – Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Tonga, Fiji, Niue, and the Solomon Islands – agreed on an outcome resolution, named the “Port Vila Call for a Just Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific” that calls for action from Pacific and global leaders.



  • COP28

    COP28 hosted by the United Arab Emirates in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December was historic, and yet was not sufficient to keep 1.5 alive. As a result, a growing bloc of nation- states joined forces at COP28 to seek a negotiating mandate for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.



  • New York Climate Week

    Climate Week NYC is a yearly event in September in New York City. Climate Week occurs alongside the United Nations General Assembly. In 2023, the clear focus of this NYC Climate Week was the call for the phase out of fossil fuels. By partnering with Climate Group, the lead organization behind New York Climate Week, and Global Citizen, the organizers of the Global Citizen Festival, the Fossil Fuel Treaty became a prominent demand at both major events.



  • Youth Climate Camp

    The 2023 Youth Climate Justice Camp took place in Lebanon from August 28th to September 2nd. The camp will be an opportunity to build relationships and networks; share stories and lessons learnt from the field; learn new skills through workshops and trainings, and collaborate on opportunities for creative mobilization.


  • EU Council speed up for climate, nature, and a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

    On 23 March, together with Rise For Climate, European NGOs, scientists and youth organisations, we were in front of the European Council of Heads of State in Brussels to push the 27 to adopt a Non-Proliferation Treaty on Fossil Fuels, an international initiative that aims to phase out oil, gas and coal production and promote a just transition.


  • SB58 at Bonn

    SB58 took place at the World Conference Center in Bonn Germany in June of 2023. This conference built upon the past COP27 hosted by Egypt. At Bonn, the Fossil Fuel Treaty alongside many CSOs, Governments, Businesses, and Activists hosted a number of events ranging from Climate and Human Rights Events and an Action to End Fossil Fuels.


2022 Event Highlights

  • Stockholm +50

    For the first time an official UN conference, the Stockholm+50 conference has recognised the need to phase out all fossil fuels - oil, gas and coal - and the need for financial and technical support for a just transition for fossil fuel dependent countries as read out in the final plenary. There were calls from the floor calling for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and strong calls to end the expansion of fossil fuels



  • COP27

    For the 27th time, the UN climate talks have failed to directly address the biggest driver of the climate crisis: the production of gas, oil and coal. While the agreement to establish a loss and damage fund represents immense progress for vulnerable nations who have been calling for finance to address the impacts of climate change for many years, this win is bittersweet. The failure to address the root cause of loss and damage through agreeing to phase out oil, gas and coal will mean more loss and damage in future.



  • New York Climate Week

    During the 2022 New York Climate Week, it was made clear that phasing out fossil fuel production, and fast-tracking progress towards safer and more cost-effective alternatives, will require unprecedented international cooperation. The Fossil Fuel Treaty hosted an international panel of experts discuss opportunities for growing momentum for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and how you can get involved to amplify and support the movement.


2021 Event Highlights

  • Parliamentarians Call for a Fossil Fuel Free Future

    Parliamentarians from the Global South initiated a Parliamentarians’ Call for a Fossil Fuel Free Future and are inviting their colleagues from all over the world to join them. The initiative, released at COP26 in Glasgow, was already supported by more than 150 nationally-elected legislators from more than 30 countries around the world. The initiators of the call are Members of Parliament from Bangladesh, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Kiribati, Palau, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa and Timor Leste.


  • COP26

    Negotiators at COP26 laid down their pens and the UK Presidency claimed victory for a successful event despite failing to address directly the elephant in the room, the biggest source of emissions - oil, gas and coal. The meeting was significant in that it marked extended public (and behind closed doors) debate on coal, oil, and gas phase out at a United Nations climate meeting. However, the fossil fuel industry, which had the largest delegation in attendance, wielded its influence, resulting in the last-minute addition of loopholes large enough to drive a coal train through.



  • New York Climate Week

    At the 2021 New York Climate Week, the Treaty was set to discuss the truth that there are a number of international agreements to tackle climate, but there is currently no international mechanism in place to limit fossil fuel expansion. To address the elephant in the room, the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty discussed wins from the past year and the biggest tasks left to tackle ahead of COP26 and beyond.


2020 Event Highlights

  • Briefing on the Paris Anniversary & Fossil Fuels

    As the 5th Anniversary of the Paris Agreement approached in December 2020, Indigenous, government, civil society, youth and academic leaders joined a press briefing outlining the importance of the issue of fossil fuels to international climate action and steps that can be taken to address their production and proliferation.


  • New York Climate Week

    During the 2020 New York Climate Week, the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty hosted numerous events where climate experts and activists spoke out for the need for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to manage the decline of coal, oil and gas globally. There was an emphasis on why international cooperation is critical to an equitable global energy transition and how to manage a just transition.


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